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How to Get the Most Value Out of Your GPO Membership

A play-by-play for maximizing your relationship with Una to source smarter, achieve additional cost savings, and become more profitable.
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GPO Membership

You're a true Sourcing Hero!

You’ve made the important decision to enlist a group purchasing organization to help take your procurement strategy to the next level. You’ll not only continue delivering cost savings to your organization, but you’ll now be able to bring unprecedented value to the equation.

This playbook is designed to show you how to get the most out of your GPO membership and give you the tools you need to source smarter, achieve additional cost savings, and, ultimately, help your organization become more profitable.

Already an Una member? We’re so glad you’re part of the family! We strive to be part of your continued success. Feel free to browse the other sections of this playbook but you’ll probably find the most value towards the end where we introduce you to our Member Experience Team and delve into the additional benefits you have access to by simply being an active member.

We're here to help

Companies are realizing just how necessary it is to establish a comprehensive procurement program in order to streamline the way they purchase.

By utilizing this playbook, you’ll have access to a step-by-step instruction manual showing you how to get the most value out of your GPO membership.

From forming a holistic approach to procurement to details on how to achieve long-term sourcing success, we’re here to help.

discovery call

Download this playbook and learn:

  • How to determine if a GPO membership is right for your business
  • The GPO’s role within your procurement strategy
  • The differentiating factors that set Una apart from some of the larger GPOs on the market
  • An inside look at how members can achieve long-term success
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Some organizations, both large and small, operate haphazardly when it comes to purchasing and spend management. Processes for procuring goods and services are nonexistent, spend is out of control, and there is no sense of trust amongst the suppliers being utilized, leaving supply chains at risk.

In addition to spend management, a well-rounded procurement strategy is also one that aligns with business objectives, identifies cost savings, builds long-term relationships with suppliers, and, ultimately, leads to profitability.

Could you be successful in forming a holistic sourcing strategy on your own? Absolutely, we have no doubt in your ability to accomplish such a feat. However, it takes a lot of time, you may be faced with resistance from internal stakeholders, and you might feel pressure to deliver immediate cost savings. With all of that in mind, there is something to be said for breaking down the process and bringing in additional resources.

If you’re trying to decide whether or not working with a GPO is the right move for your business, here are some questions to ask yourself and things you should be thinking about:


How big is my team? Is procurement a one-person function or are there a handful of people who can help put your plan in action? What is your team's capacity? This will determine the speed at which you operate and the outcomes you're able to achieve.


As a small to medium sized business, which categories do I need to find savings in? How can I save more money if my spend amounts don't warrant discounted pricing? How can SME's benefit from group purchasing?


As  large corporation, wouldn't we be better off working with suppliers directly? What value would a GPO bring to our existing sourcing strategy and supplier portfolio?

group purchasing organization gives you access to more bodies and more expertise, and a staff dedicated to understanding your goals. With more people working to find the best sourcing solutions for your business, you may find that working with a GPO increases your speed to savings and leads to better supplier relationships.

Small and medium-sized businesses are most likely in a position to see significant savings thanks to the combined purchasing power of a GPO.

In some instances, a larger corporation may be better off negotiating their contracts directly with suppliers, especially if it pertains to their direct spend or a highly strategic category. But for categories that fall into indirect spend or a company’s tail spend, partnering with a GPO could prove to be a valuable option. In turn, this frees up your time to focus on other activities like nurturing supplier relationships or focusing on the top 20% of categories, for example.

The Una Difference

We are value-driven, member-centric, partner-focused, and committed to educating, advising, and enabling businesses to achieve tremendous savings.

Everything we do is centered around your success. Download the full playbook now to get an inside look at our process.

The way we work together is designed to offer you turn-key procurement solutions that empower you to achieve category quick wins, and then move onto the long-term strategies that make your business more profitable.

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