What we experience personally cannot be completely separated from what we experience professionally, and vice versa. This is as true for the impact of digital communications on relationships and trust building as it is our ability to ‘hear’ and connect with others.

In this episode of The Sourcing Hero podcast, Host Kelly Barner welcomes Julienne Ryan. Julienne is an author, an executive coach, a storyteller, and - most importantly - a true people person. Her career includes an impressive number of leadership roles, and she was able to be successful in each one because of her interpersonal and communication skills.


In this interview, Julienne speaks honestly about :

  • The importance of bringing the idea of affirmation into personal and professional decisions
  • Why modern digital capabilities make it easier to communicate but harder to connect
  • How to stay plugged into the person you are speaking to so that you hear everything they are saying


Julienne Ryan on LinkedIn