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Instructions for Proper Rostering

Please ensure you select the proper Partner ID, otherwise, your submission will be accredited to someone else.

Please ensure the facility (company) name is formatted correctly (i.e. Company, Inc or Brand, Llc – proper case, no punctuation or symbols before or after the company name.)

When entering the email address it is important that the email address is unique and belongs to a contact at the company/facility. Duplicate email addresses will cause errors. Do not use your own email address.

Please enter the street address using abbreviations with no punctuation (i.e. St, Dr, Ste – not Street, Drive, Suite, or St., Dr., Ste.) Keep in mind that we can only roster physical business addresses; no PO boxes or residential addresses.

Please enter state as an abbreviation (i.e. KS, not Kansas)

Please enter the postal code, which should be 5 or 9 digits. (i.e. 54321 or 54321-1234)

Please enter the 10 digit-only phone number for this facility (i.e. 8005551234)

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