If ever there were a case to be made that consistently prioritizing low costs above all else is a mistake, it is in foodservice. People can be passionate and particular about their food - especially when they are away from home. When your foodservice clients and consumers are young men and women in college, how you manage their menu and the overall relationship are very important to the success of your business.
In this episode of The Sourcing Hero podcast, Host Kelly Barner is joined by Bill Reeder, the President of Campus Cooks. Campus Cooks is the industry leader in providing professional staffing and foodservice management to fraternities and sororities.
They have operations on 45 campuses in 25 states. Bill oversees an executive team charged with growing and managing operations on campuses nationwide while ensuring client satisfaction.
In this conversation, Bill shares his perspective on:
- The clear connections he sees between the strength of their employee relationships and the experience they are able to provide to their customers
- How to ask questions so that you not only get actionable information but also support your stakeholder’s decision-making process
- Why he sees Campus Cooks’ procurement as making critical contributions to the health and culture of the company through the tradeoffs they present