When you think about frictionless procurement and leading customer experiences, the federal government is probably not the first entity that comes to mind. And yet, the work that they are doing internally and in collaboration with their supply partners is truly transformational.

In this episode of The Sourcing Hero podcast, Host Kelly Barner welcomes Jaime Gracia. Jaime is the Director of Strategic Enterprise Programs for the U.S. Department of State and he has over 20 years’ worth of experience in procurement.

One of the efforts he is currently leading is the Acquisition Experience (Acq-X) program, a transformation program that he joins the podcast to discuss.


In this conversation, Jaime described many of the ways that his team at the U.S. Department of State is working on reduce friction for ‘customers’ while remaining compliant with federal regulations:

  • The operational paradigm shift Jaime and his team are leading through the acquisition experience project
  • How procurement can better address the challenge presented by the end of budgetary cycle ‘feeding frenzy’ that often happens
  • How he balances regulatory compliance with frictionless processes to design an experience that meets everyone’s needs
  • The change that had the greatest impact in terms of how his customers perceive the procurement experience


Jaime Gracia on LinkedIn

U.S. Department of State Industry Liaison LinkedIn page